Thursday, May 23, 2013

What is Love?

Love has the power to fill life with joy and meaning.
Love is patient, kind, and unconditional.
Love creates memories you will cherish forever.
Love cannot be bought or sold.
Love has no price.
Love shows the feelings of your heart for all to see in your eyes.
Love cannot be hidden.
Love will make you blind.
Love is an eternal source of joy.
Love is like sunshine; it feels nice and warm, but be careful so you don't end up with a painful burn.
Love is letting go of childhood expectations and accepting someone as they truly are.
Love can make you happy, sad, scared, and confused.
Love is the most powerful emotion of all.

Can't Sleep

Laying in my bed and it's 2am and as usual my brain won't shut off.  Why is it that at night I always get the most random thoughts?  Of course by morning I can never remember half of these thoughts, and they really don't make any sense to me at 2am anyways.  Why is it that late night TV is so awful?  Do TV producers not realize that some of us have insomnia and would really like to watch something other than stupid infomercials?  I mean come on, who really wants to watch a show advertising a medicine for erectile dysfunction and crap like that?????  Thankfully there is usually a re-run of House on.  I really wish I could have him for my doctor.  I know he is a asshole on the show but, damn at least he can find out what is wrong with his patients, unlike most real doctors.  OK I guess this is enough of me rambling on for tonight, hopefully next time I can blog about something that actually makes sense, of course if you have nights like me and suffer from insomnia you probably understand the random thoughts that will run through your head.  :)  Until next time!!!